Monday, April 22, 2024

First Half FY24 Workout Review

Pada recap 2023 tahun lalu saya menulis satu kalimat soal memulai olahraga di kuartal akhir. Tidak terasa separuh lebih FY24 sudah terlewat, tepatnya delapan bulan. Ternyata saya masih konsisten masuk kelas-kelas olahraga di setiap bulannya. Kadang skip 1-2 minggu biasanya karena pulang ke Jakarta/Bali atau kunjungan keluarga ke sini. 

Here is the recap from 1 September 2023 to 21 April 2024:

I attended total 44 classes, 2520 minutes 
missing 5 classes due to kecapean, kena macet, atau lagi males banget.

Top classes attended: Yoga, Pilates, Spin Class.
  • Yoga karena paling akesibel, studionya cuma 7 menit dari apartemen.
  • Pilates karena personal curiosity, pengen banget bisa mastering the class biar bisa bikin konten. Tapi sampai sekarang selalu meringis tiap reps. 
  • Spin class karena seru--probably related to adrenaline--bisa pushing myself to the limit and can scream especially in double time.
  • Honorable mention: Tennis, baru coba 3 kali, juga seru--penasaran karena belajar dari awal sekali, dari pegang raket. 2-hr session can burn 700+ calories.
The month I exercised the most: FEBRUARY (8 Classes)
Saya pernah post 1 tweet yang isinya ingin konsisten berolahraga minimal 4 kali seminggu. Kalau dilihat, ternyata bisa juga. Rata-rata 5.5 kelas per minggu. Oh I set the bar too low haha!

How do I feel about it?
Less guilty. 

To be honest my motivation originally was just to have something to do over the weekend. That time I broke up with my bf and I tried to have more activities to think less about it. I ended up back again with him and this weekend workout somehow stay. It only took 1-2hr of my morning in the weekend. Since I most of the time take the earliest class (7-8AM starts), it requires me to wake up early and the day then feels longer.

Then I also reflect on how my mom is staying fit in her 50s is also because she actively doing the aerobic/zumba/senam class 2-3 times weekly for yearsssss. I want to age like her and I can start now.

My workout frequency is considered light tho. But still I feel less guilty doing life with this routine. Less guilty that at least I tried hahaha.

But I feel like my "enough with less guilty" phase should stop here. I want to see improvements, numbers, pictures to show the impact. So probably my FY25 goal would be a documented progress and a more planned workout. It's difficult to catch up with all type of exercises if I only do weekend. Either I add more days or i focus in selected sports. Let's see.

So now, when there is a question of "what sports you do?"  or "how frequent you exercise?", I have exact answers. Haha. 

Probably I should review the studio/gym I visited? Let me know!

Oh ya, kelas kelas ini saya akses melalui aplikasi ClassPass. Jadi saya tidak harus berlangganan/membeli drop-in class di masing masing gym. Keuntungannya bisa mencoba sebanyak mungkin gym/studio dan berbagai jenis olahraga. ClassPass punya sangat banyak studio/gym dan juga salon/spa. Biaya langganannya pun menurut saya sangat "berbaloi" kalau bahasa orang sini, sangat sesuai dengan harga yang ditawarkan. Saya pernah beberapa kali membandingkan harga langganan ClassPass dengan harga keanggotaan beberapa gym yg juga tersedia di ClassPass dan hasilnya harganya lebih bagus ClassPass. Ditambah dengan variasi kelas yang ditawarkan, dahlah menang mereka. 

Di Jakarta juga ada cukup banyak kelas yang tersedia, loh. Apalagi Jaksel. 
In case you want to have a try, you can use this link to get extra 20 credits. Free trial for the first month: 

This is not a sponsored post. I was not intended to write promotional post at the beginning. Suddenly it feel like want to share this info since I also knew this app years ago from my friend, Arum, without really checking that time. Apparently such info was useful in the future. Thanks Arum! :)

Readmore → First Half FY24 Workout Review